Update My Password
  New Password
  • Do not reveal or share your password with anyone.
  • Change your password immediately if you suspect it has been exposed to others or the moment you suspect any unauthorised access.
  • The password will expire after 90 days from the date of the last changed password.
  • Passwords should be:
    - 8 alphanumeric characters
    - Consist of at least 1 upper case
    - Consist of at least 1 lower case
    - Consist of at least 1 numeral
    - Different from the previous passwords used within the last 90 days
    - The Password you choose must not be your current Password or have been used in the last 20 Password changes.
  • The same password should not be used for different websites, applications or services, particularly when they relate to different entities.
  • No staff of Prudential should ever ask you for your password.
    Login ID: 
    Enter your NEW password
    To confirm, key in your new password again.
    Date of Birth:
    (Day - Month - Year)